Samye Institute offers home study courses based upon Dharma instruction which has been passed down from master to master over many generations since the time of the Buddha. We have arranged the materials into a few courses of different lengths and depths. Phakchok Rinpoche suggests that students spend at least one year of dedicated practice in the Mahamudra Level One and Mahamudra Level Two courses.

Each course is complete unto itself, but they can also build on each other. The key points of Dharma practice are always the same. We seek to transform our minds, and reduce suffering. We learn how to best practice loving kindness and compassion for the benefit of all beings.

Path of Transformation


Path of Transformation | Wellbeing

Mobility for Meditators

Taught by
Path of Transformation | Wellbeing

Yoga Asanas for Sitting Meditation

Taught by

Path of Transformation


Path of Transformation | Compassion Training

Seven Points of Mind Training

Taught by
Path of Transformation | Compassion Training

37 Bodhisattva Practices

Path of Transformation | Compassion Training

Training in Compassion

Taught by

Path of Transformation


Core Course
Path of Transformation | Meditation

Mahamudra Level One

Taught by
Core Course
Path of Transformation | Meditation

Mahamudra Level Two

Taught by
Core Course
Path of Transformation | Meditation

Noble Wisdom of the Time of Death Sutra

Taught by
Path of Transformation | Meditation

Shravakayana: The Foundation of the Buddhist Path

Taught by
Path of Transformation | Meditation

Training the Mind

Taught by

Path of Realization

The Foundation

Core Course
Path of Realization | The Foundation

Tukdrup Barché Künsel Ngöndro

Taught by
Ongoing Course
Path of Realization | The Foundation

Seed of Supreme Awakening

Path of Realization

Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Concise Sang Offering

Taught by

Path of Realization

Other Courses

Path of Realization

Tibetan for Practitioners

Taught by