Creating Dharma Communities Around the Globe

It is Phakchok Rinpoche’s wish for all to have access to the precious Dharma regardless of where they live. For this reason, Rinpoche has devoted a great deal of time and energy to produce and offer online teachings.

What is Dharma-stream?

Dharma-stream is a series of regular video teachings directly from Phakchok Rinpoche, designed to be viewed in a group setting. It is Rinpoche’s wish that his students gather their Dharma-friends together, watch the teachings, meditate and discuss the topics together. This is a unique way of being in contact with Rinpoche to receive precious teachings on an ongoing basis. These teachings are presented in a step-by-step manner, becoming more and more profound over time.


Find a Dharma-stream Group in Your Area 

Want to study the Dharma-stream topics? Browse a directory of over 25 existing groups covering many countries and regions around the world.

More about Dharma-stream Groups

As already mentioned, the Dharma-stream teachings are to be viewed in a group setting. Group gatherings commence with a meditation session, then the group views the teaching and discusses key points, sharing experiences and views on the topics that Rinpoche touched upon.

Dharma Stream Groups serve an important function, fulfilling the “five excellences” of the place, teacher, time, audience, and teaching — the optimum conditions for the turning of the Dharma Wheel.

There are already many active groups around the world that are meeting on a regular basis. Click here to view a full list of current Dharma Stream groups. If there is no practice center or established Dharma-stream group near you, it is easy to start your own group. Rinpoche has asked that the minimum number for a group is 3 people.

About the Dharma-stream Teachings

The first series of teachings within the Dharma-stream is entitled Dawn of Dharma. Rinpoche has requested that all his students study this series, regardless of Dharma experience. Later Dharma-stream teachings include The Eightfold Path of Mind-training, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation, and Radically Happy.

In order to view the Dharma-stream teachings, Rinpoche has requested that students form a group with a minimum of 3 people. Existing centers are automatically eligible to join, otherwise, you may apply to form a Dharma Stream group in your area. Rinpoche emphasizes the importance of gathering as a group for study and practice, as it provides an environment supportive of our practice.

The donation price for the fortnightly Dharma Stream videos and all materials for one year is $120 USD. If this price would cause significant hardship, please contact us to discuss other options. It is our wish to make the Dharma available to all who wish to receive it.

From time to time we also facilitate Q&A videos and webinars where group participants have a chance to ask their questions.

Form a New Group

If you would like to start a Dharma-stream group and be able to follow Phakchok Rinpoche’s Dharma-stream teachings, please read the following information and then proceed to sign up. 

The group should meet at least 2 times per month, and the duration of the session should be around 2-2.5 hours. Once you have sent in your application form and made your donation of $120 to cover the first year, you will receive a welcome email containing a facilitator manual with guidelines and support, practice texts for doing the meditation sessions and additional material on the four mind-changings. You will also get access to the library of Dharma-stream videos along with ongoing support and access to future updates. 

If you are ready to make your application, please fill out the form below and make a donation of $120 to cover the first year of materials. Any questions, please contact us.

About the Dawn of Dharma Series

Dawn of Dharma is an experiential and practical presentation of key points of the Buddha’s teachings taught by Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche. Rinpoche conceived of this program as he saw the need for both new and seasoned practitioners alike to lay a proper foundation of knowledge, practice and experience.

Rinpoche requests that all students under his guidance attend this program one time in full, either by attending the complete program at a center or Dharma-stream Group, or by attending a Dawn of Dharma retreat. Once a student has completed a Dawn of Dharma course it will be more meaningful to continue practice through either the Path of Meditation, Mahāmudrā and/or the Nine Yānas courses.

The Dawn of Dharma program consists of 27 separate teachings, each of which is approximately 20/30 minutes duration. These teachings cover topics such as refuge and bodhicitta, the six pāramitās, what is mind, how to deal with emotions, how to develop positive qualities, etc. In either a retreat or study group/center setting, students will have the opportunity to hear the teachings directly, to reflect on their meaning, and to discuss them with other sangha members.  Ideally, these teachings will allow the student to truly embody the Dharma as he or she reflects on the meaning throughout his or her life.

Phakchok Rinpoche will begin teaching Dawn of Dharma courses around the world in 2015.  Concurrently the program is now presented via video teachings for Dharma-stream Groups and centers worldwide. Participation in Dawn of Dharma in a group setting ensures a supportive sangha atmosphere that will be most helpful for both beginners and more advanced practitioners.