Sponsor Prayers and Pujas
Throughout the year, our sangha of monks at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery and Asura Cave and the nuns of Nagi Gompa Nunnery perform pujas and practices on behalf of Phakchok Rinpoche and his students and benefactors. Certain prayers are recited on a daily basis while other rituals are performed monthly, or just once a year.
Samye Institute now offers a quick and convenient way to sponsor these deeply meaningful practices. Simply select a puja, fill out the form, and we will notify the druplas and monks of your kind offering along with any names of dedication you choose to include. You also have the option to subscribe to any puja on a monthly (daily and monthly pujas) or yearly basis (annual pujas).
Your offering supports the monastic communities living at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery, Asura Cave, and Nagi Gompa Nunnery who dedicate their lives to the study and practice of the Buddhadharma. We rejoice in the merit of your generosity in support of the noble sangha. A small percentage of each offering goes to our website support team and prayer coordinator who monitor and track all the prayer requests and ensure proper follow-through with the monastic team.
If your financial circumstances prevent you from offering the suggested amount, please note that the daily Avalokiteshvara, Vajrasattva, and Bar Sam Drol Sum prayers all carry with them a very modest suggested offering. We will never turn away anyone in need, if you require further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Daily Prayers and Pujas
These prayers and pujas are performed every day at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery, Asura Cave, and Nagi Gompa Nunnery.
Bar Sam Drol Sum
Avalokiteshvara Practice and Mani Mantra
Vajrasattva Practice
Tara Practice
Monthly Pujas
These pujas are performed once a month on auspicious days (see schedule).
Monthly Tukdrup Barché Künsel Puja
Monthly Riwo Sangchö Puja
Monthly Vajra Claw Dakini Puja
Monthly Light Offerings
Annual Pujas
These pujas are performed once a year (see schedule).
Annual Korwa Dongtruk Puja
Annual White Umbrella Puja
Annual Nyungné Fasting Practice
Annual Kurukulla Fire Puja
Annual Ngensong Dongdruk Puja
Annual Sampa Lhündrup Tsokbum Puja
Annual Vajra Claw Dakini Puja
Upon Request
Requests for these pujas are carried out as soon as the monks’ schedule permits. We will notify you when a date has been set.