Upcoming Pujas @ Do-Ngak Ling Monastery

Vajrasattva Practice


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Vajrasattva Practice is performed daily at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery.

When you request the Vajrasattva Practice, the Druplas and monks of Do-Ngak Ling Monastery and Asura Cave will practice tomorrow morning on behalf of you and all beings to confess and remove obscurations.

Buddha Vajrasattva is the sovereign of all buddha families and mandalas appearing in sambhogakaya form. Due to his previous vows, we invoke Vajrasattva to purify all of our negative karma from beginningless time as well as our broken samayas and commitments. In the Vajrasattva of the Secret Essence (Sangtik Dorsem), Vajrasattva is practiced as the main yidam deity in union with his consort, Atopa, in a single mudra mandala.

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Offering Total $7.00 One Time