Dzamling Chisang: World Sang Offering

Dzamling Chisang

Dzamling Chisang, or World Sang Day, commemorates Guru Rinpoche’s subjugation of the local deities and the founding of the Samye Monastery in Tibet. Customarily Himalayan communities recall this event on the fifteenth day of the fifth Tibetan month. On this day, monastic and lay Vajrayana practitioners gather on hilltops to make extensive and joyful offerings of sang to local deities and earth spirits, Samye Institute encourages everyone to offer sang today in their own homes or practice centers. At this time we can also set our intentions and make aspirations of auspiciousness.

To learn more about how to practice Sang offering and to find support for your Sang practice, check out our explanation here. And to deepen your understanding of the practice, you may wish to join our Concise Sang Offering course. If you’re looking for authentic Sang incense or traditional Sang offering vessels, produced in accord with the texts, you can find them in the Akara Collection.

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