Featured Publication: In the Footsteps of Bodhisattvas

We are happy to announce the recent publication of Phakchok Rinpoche’s teachings based on the King of Meditation Sutra entitled “In the Footsteps of Bodhisattvas: Buddhist Teachings on the Essence of Meditation”. The book is currently available for order via the publisher, Shambhala Publications, and wherever books are sold online.

Here is an excerpt from Rinpoche’s introductory chapter of the book:

This is not a book about a one-dimensional type of meditation training. Instead, this book teaches how the intangible essence of meditation naturally arises when we properly line-up the right conditions within our lives. This essence is compassionate and blissful but totally ungraspable; yet it can be realized. Don’t you want this?
To gain this realization of reality that brings total freedom, we need to practice the primary teachings of the Mahayana Buddhist path. We cannot focus on a singular meditation technique and expect to have a fruitful result if we extract it from the framework of correct view, meditation, and conduct. Instead, we must align all of the dimensions of our lives with authentic practice. This is what in Buddhism is called “walking the path.” If we are able to do this, there is no doubt that we will realize the open heart of true meditation.

As in other Dharma books, we will find here exercises and meditation methods; but we will also find the words of the Buddha, sourced from the King of Meditation Sutra, organized into a clear path of training. The sutra itself is forty chapters long, from which I have selected my favorite quotes and compiled them in this text. If we spend time reflecting on these passages and we apply the instruction and methods offered in each chapter, we will undoubtedly experience positive results. After all, we are studying and practicing the words of the Buddha.

Phakchok Rinpoche, In the Footsteps of Bodhisattvas: Buddhist Teachings on the Essence of Meditation

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