Lotus Light Dharma Institute Opening

Lotus Light
Lotus Light
The Lotus Light Dharma Institute

We are happy to share a few reflections on the recent auspicious opening of the Lotus Light Dharma Institute in Chapagoan, Nepal on the 13th of July, 2019.  Suitable for 150 monks, this Dharma school will support the education of our future Dharma teachers for decades and decades to come.  Please enjoy these writings and join us in celebrating the completed Lotus Light Dharma School.

The first piece was written by a monk from Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling.  The second is from a member of the Indonesian sangha.  We are very pleased to be able to share her writing with you in both English and bahasa Indonesian.


A Monk’s Reflections

Last Sunday, Rinpoche with his monks and a few students lead the inauguration of the Lotus Light Dharma Institute at Mindrol Norbuling Monastery in Lalitpur, Nepal. The new institute features a library, dining hall, kitchen, classroom and sleeping quarters.  In addition, LLDI provides accommodations for the lopons and khenpos.  The top floor is reserved for Rinpoche. Everything is contained in this new building.  It accommodates around two hundred monks studying at the primary and intermediate levels. These monks will then continue with higher education at the shedra at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling in Boudhanath.

Lotus Light
Monks enjoying lunch during opening ceremony at Lotus Light Dharma Institute

We enjoyed lunch together with Rinpoche and all of the lamas, lopons and some sponsors from different countries. I am happy to have this beautiful building for the younger monks to live and study.

Written by a monk from Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, Boudha, Nepal.


Inauguration of Lotus Light Dharma School

I am very happy to have had the opportunity to attend the inauguration of the Lotus Light Dharma School in Chapagoan, Nepal on July 13th. This was my first time visiting and I didn’t expect there to be so many building complexes, including the monastery (often called the Vajra Varahi monastery), Zangdok Palri and the Lotus Light school building, which was inaugurated on that day.

Lotus Light
Classroom in the Lotus Light Dharma School

The ceremony began at around 11:00 in the morning.  In the Dharma hall, Phakchok Rinpoche was seen seated on the throne, with a line of monks leading the prayer.  That morning was a perfect sunny day, noteworthy considering that 2 days before Nepal was flooded with unrelenting rain. After the puja ended, Rinpoche told us about the history of the monastery, and invited everyone to tour the Lotus Light school building.

The location of the school is not far from the temple building. Rinpoche and Khandro -la led the journey and showed the building to all of us. This 4-story school building looks modern and the form of the building is

designed to follow its function. The interior is also designed with good lighting principles. Each study room has a window wide enough for natural lighting.  In my opinion, this is the most important point in the designing of a school. With good and proper design, the learning process will be better and more effective. 

Each classroom’s floor are made of wood.  This is also a good choice for students who sit on the floor when studying.

On certain floors, there are several rooms prepared for the teachers to stay in while teaching there. The teacher’s room was arranged very effectively and was equipped with an inside bathroom too! There are windows with soothing-colored curtains. The corridor was spacious, and has natural lighting coming from the classroom windows.

Lotus Light
The library is ready to receive texts.

After walking around the classrooms, the teacher’s rooms and the bedrooms for monks, we arrived at the library. The room has  already been equipped with many high cabinets. I can spot a librarian’s desk, too! Even though the books are not there yet, we can already felt the atmosphere of a library.

Reaching the top floor, we can see Zangdok Palri being built … a very amazing view, where Zangdok Palri looks so close. Many friends immediately took the chances to take pictures at that time.

The dining room and kitchen become the final destination of the trip. Rinpoche stopped in the kitchen area, and lit the stove as a symbol, that the building was ready to operate. Rinpoche did a short prayer and after the stove was lit, everyone applauded happily.

The ceremony ended  in a spacious dining room, where long tables and chairs are arranged so neatly, waiting to be seated. The monks and all of us were lining up to take food and Rinpoche was very kind, giving a scoop of food to each monk and every single person, before he even had his lunch. Everybody seemed to enjoy  their lunch and have a good time there. 

May the Lotus Light Dharma School thrive and benefit everyone!

Minche Huang

Jakarta, Indonesia

Peresmian Lotus Light Dharma School (Version in Indonesian!)

Lotus Light
Lotus Light Dharma School di Chapagoan, Nepal

Saya sangat senang memiliki kesempatan untuk menghadiri peresmian bangunan Lotus Light Dharma School di Chapagoan, Nepal pada tgl 13 Juli yang lalu. Ini adalah kali pertama saya mengunjungi vihara di  Chapagaon,  dan saya tidak menyangka disana terdapat beberapa komplek bangunan, antara lain adalah Vihara (yang sering disebut vihara Vajra Varahi), Zangdok Palri dan bangunan sekolah Lotus Light, yang akan diresmikan pada hari itu. 

Acara peresmian ini dimulai sekitar pukul 11.00 pagi dan di dalam ruangan kebaktian, terlihat Phakchok Rinpoche duduk di singgasana , dengan barisan -barisan bhikku yang memimpin doa.  Pagi itu adalah pagi yang cerah, mengingat  2 hari sebelumnya, Nepal dibanjiri hujan tidak henti-hentinya. Setelah puja berakhir, Rinpoche menceritakan mengenai sejarah Vihara tersebut, dan kemudian mengajak semua yang hadir untuk berkeliling di bangunan sekolah Lotus Light. 

Letak Bangunan Sekolah tidak jauh dari bangunan Vihara. Rinpoche dan Khandro -la memimpin perjalanan dan memperlihatkan bangunan kepada kita semua yang hadir. Bangunan sekolah 4 lantai ini terlihat modern dan bentuk bangunannya terdesain mengikuti kesesuaian fungsinya.   Interior nya juga dirancang dengan prinsip penerangan yang cukup baik. Tiap ruangan belajar memiliki jendela yang cukup lebar untuk penerangan alami. Menurut saya, ini adalah poin paling penting di dalam desain gedung sekolah,  dimana diharapkan dengan desain ruangan yang baik, proses belajar menjadi semakin baik dan efektif. Lantai kelas dari material kayu juga pilihan yang tepat bagi murid-murid yang duduk di lantai ketika belajar. 

Di lantai tertentu, juga terdapat beberapa ruangan untuk tempat tinggal guru selama mengajar disana. Ruangannya ditata dengan sangat efektif  dan dilengkapi dengan kamar mandi dalam pula! Jendela juga dilengkapi dengan pilihan warna horden yang sangat menenangkan. 

Koridor dibangun dengan ruang yang cukup lebar, dan memiliki pencahayaan alami yang berasal dari jendela ruangan kelas. 

Setelah mengelilingi ruangan kelas, ruang kamar guru dan tempat tidur bhikkhu, kita tiba di ruangan perpustakaan. Ruangan telah dilengkapi dengan kabinet yang tinggi. Meskipun belum terisi buku, kesan perpustakaan nya sudah terasa sekali.. 

Ketika sampai di lantai paling atas, kita dapat melihat Zangdok Palri yang sedang dibangun.. Pemandangan yang sangat menakjubkan, dimana Zangdok Palri terlihat sedemikian dekatnya. Banyak teman-teman yang kemudian segera mengambil kesempatan untuk berfoto bersama saat itu. 

Ruangan makan dan dapur menjadi tujuan akhir dari perjalanan berkeliling gedung sekolah. Rinpoche berhenti di area dapur , dan menyalakan kompor sebagai simbol , bahwa gedung siap beroperasi. Rinpoche

Lotus Light
Rinpoche terlihat sedang membantu menyendoki makanan untuk Sangha

memanjatkan doa singkat dan setelah api kompor dinyalakan, semua orang bertepuk tangan penuh dengan rasa bahagia. 

Acara peresmian kemudian ditutup dengan makan siang bersama di ruangan makan yang cukup luas. Barisan meja makan dan kursi tersusun teratur menunggu untuk diduduki.   Bhikkhu dan semua yang hadir disana berbaris untuk mengambil makanan dan Rinpoche dengan sangat welas asih, menyendoki salah satu menu makanan kepada  setiap Bhikkhu dan semua yang hadir disana, sebelum beliau sendiri menyantap makan siangnya. Suasana makan siang terasa menyenangkan dan setiap orang terlihat sangat bahagia. 

Semoga Lotus Light Dharma School berkembang  maju dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya!

Minche Huang

Jakarta, Indonesia

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