Announcing a New Website for Samye Institute

For the last few months we have been working hard on rebuilding Samye Institute’s web platform and today we are pleased to announce a new look and feel, along with new courses and educational content aimed at assisting you in your study and practice of the Dharma.

What’s New?

New Design and Development Team

We have recently recruited new design and development staff to allow us to bring Rinpoche’s vast vision into fruition. We are excited about the possibilities our new team brings us and look forward to pushing out some great updates in order to help facilitate your practice. Samye still relies heavily on volunteer and sponsor support so if you have ideas on how to help us, please get in touch.

Easier to Use Interface

It’s easier to browse our content archives of over 350 posts containing a huge amount of video, audio and text teachings from Phakchok Rinpoche and other senior instructors. Many of these posts include reflection questions or exercises to encourage you to actively engage with the teaching. The site is also more pleasant to use with cleaner layouts and a cleaner navigation structure.


We have now made it easier to see our instructors. Samye has a wide network of both Tibetan and western instructors – all under the oversight of Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche. We plan to develop this area and begin to make it easier for you to get to know our instructors with live streamings, QAs and more content from them.

Community Portal

We want to bring our community together and spotlight the vast activities of all our groups, centers and monasteries around the world. We are now posting more announcements, reflections and activities from our students around the world. Please get involved and send us updates on your own activities to include in our community updates.

Global Accumulations

It’s now easier to enter your accumulations for the Six Vajra Lines supplication and Great Cloud of Blessings magnetizing practices.  Phakchok Rinpoche has repeatedly stressed the importance and great benefit derived from these practices. For more information, please click here.

Restructured Content & Search Function

We have completely reorganised all our content to make it easier to browse different topics that interest you. We also added a search function to make it easy to find the content you need.

Ongoing Bug Fixes

We fixed many issues on the site that our users were commenting on. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions to improve the experience of using Samye Institute’s website, please let us know.

New Home Study Programs

In this release, we also have two exciting new study programs to announce.

Path of Meditation Level Two

This home-study program continues on from our popular Path of Meditation Level One. This course is open to individuals who have completed a full year of study and the meditation practice for Level I.  Alternatively, individuals who have attended live Mahamudra retreats with Phakchok Rinpoche and completed at least a year of practice as instructed are also eligible. Mahamudra instructions are renowned as being short, precise, and easy to practice. In this home study program,  we offer video and audio instruction by Phakchok Rinpoche, guiding us through a review of the four mind-changings up until essential Mahamudra . Study units feature a practice chart, guided meditations, review of key points, practical advice on enhancing techniques, and study questions and reflections. Additionally, senior instructors are available to answer questions either on-line in the course group, or by appointment via phone.

Click here to see more details and sign up

Noble Living, Noble Caring, Noble Dying

Most of us will receive care and give care to others at some point in our lives. And all of us will die. How do we care for the present moment?  How do we welcome all experiences, pushing away nothing? How can we train and share our training of complete acceptance and openness to all situations, emotions, and people, especially as we face old age, sickness and death? This program is thus designed for all individuals, regardless of your background or previous experience.

A group of Phakchok Rinpoche’s students who collectively have decades of caregiving experience has been working energetically for several years to address these shared questions. This home practice support program offers video and audio teachings from Phakchok Rinpoche on the topic of living nobly and preparing for death.  In addition, we feature a number of video conversations between Tulku Migmar, Tsunma Jamyang Donma and Andrea Sherman, guiding us through the topics of caring and dying. This resource center also provides guided meditations and suggestions for further reading. We encourage everyone to join in our group conversations, and to help us continue to develop this meaningful resource.

Click here to see more details

What’s Next for Samye Institute

This is the first step forward in an ambitious roadmap aimed at bringing together our global community, providing Dharma education and giving you the tools you need to practice diligently. We have plans to provide more support for your practice including a deeper library of practice materials including chants, visualizations, explanatory texts and a reference glossary. We are also working on plans for a practice support app which will make it easy to track your progress, keep track of accumulations, access key materials and also a meditation timer.

How Can You Help?

Samye relies heavily on support from our community in order to expand our activities. Please consider making a donation to support our continued growth.

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About Samye Institute

Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.