Noble Dying: The Final Steps

Delighted to Die

My father Malcom lived until age 87. He embodied the essential instructions on how to die found in The Mirror of Mindfulness by Tsele Natsok Rangdrol, a great and learned Tibetan Buddhist master.

Noble Dying: Active Dying

Awareness and Vigiling at the Bedside

In this article, Andrea Sherman discusses vigiling, or being present at the bedside during the final hours of a person’s life.

Facing Loss
Student Reflections

Mariam’s Playground

Right now, as a result of this pandemic crisis, many people are navigating through loss of some kind. May Mariam’s Playground offer some measure of solace.

Noble Living, Noble Caring, Noble Dying

Grief: A Contemplative View

In this essay, Andrea Sherman explores the nature of grief.