Annual Nyungné Fasting Practice at Do-Ngak Ling Monastery in Nepal. Our monks will perform two days of this special fasting ritual combined with the practice of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion.
The founding mother of the Nyungné practice was an Indian maiden who early on in her life took ordination under the name Gelongma Palmo. As the fully ripened result of her past karma, Gelongma Palmo became very ill with an incurable disease. Preparing for her death, Gelongma Palmo entered retreat and took Avalokiteshvara as the main focus of her practice. As the result of her intense practice, Avalokiteshvara appeared to her in a dream and revealed the instructions of the Nyungné practice. Miraculously, Gelongma Palmo was healed from her disease and from then began to teach the Nyungné practice widely.
To this day thus the Nyungné practice is a very special ritual, a powerful method that cleanses and washes away all our negative karma.
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