Nine Yanas: Shravakayana, Taught by Matthew Zalichin
March 17, 2022
6:00 pm
7:30 pm UTC+0
Samye Institute, in cooperation with Gomde New York is delighted to announce a new teaching series on the first of the Nine Yanas, the Shravakayana. This course will be taught by resident instructor at Gomde New York Matthew Zalichin.
Each unit will be taught twice weekly. The first session begins on March 10 at 6-7:30 PM Eastern Time, the second session will be on March 11 at 11AM-12:30 PM Eastern Time. You do not need to attend both sessions as the content will be the same.
Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.