Dear friends near and far
Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! It is very important to appreciate our life, and you need to rejoice in other people’s success. We need to feel fortunate with what we have. With our companions, family, wealth or work. Whatever you have, you need to have a very simple way to have happiness in life. And feel very meritorious and feel fortunate. In this way, our mind becomes very positive.
You can be a really serious practitioner, a non-pracitioner, or a medium kind of practitioner. Whatever kind of practitioner level you are, it is very important for us to have an attitude that makes ourselves very happy and grounded. Happy and grounded attitude comes from seeing your life as meaningful and fortunate, and feel very meritorious. And feeling very much content and appreciating what other people do. And feeling happy about what you have and feeling happy about what you are. Because when we don’t do that our mind compares more and becomes competitive. Then we judge and it’s never enough. And, always our desire is never enough. And the combination of being competitive and having a lot of desire brings a lot of unhappiness.
So you need to know and see. I need to see, we all need to see that our happiness and really, really deep joy and deep bliss comes from having appreciation of other people’s work. But, at the same time, having contentment with what we have and what we are. And feeling very meritorious for whatever I am is very important.
Whenever the competitive mind and jealousy comes up, then you need to do the work. Now, some people will think that this is very positive thinking, but it is not healthy in our competitive world life. Because, we need to work with competitive companies and competitive people and we need to work harder to improve. Now, my point is that our competitive and comparing mind is switched on from when we wake until we sleep. We are always challenging others, we always want to improve, we always want something more. When is it going to end?
My point is that we don’t know how to make it end. We only know going forward and clinging more. It’s never enough. Never enough competing. Never enough fighting. Don’t you feel tired?
You can give yourself 5 to 10 minutes. Feel fortunate, feel meritorious, feel very thankful or very content with what you have. And after that you can rejoice with what other people do, what other people enjoy, when they have success, and when they have a good time. Rejoice, simply rejoice, not further than that. And feel content. That will bring some happiness that you won’t get from spending 8 hours being competitive. Just five minutes of feeling fortunate and rejoicing in other people’s actions brings happiness.
So, please decide for yourself what is best. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day, thank you very much! Sending much love!
I’m also happy to announce the Guru Rinpoche Day Live-Stream: Final Day of Bodh Gaya Drubchen. Please view the Live-Stream video starting at 10am India time on July 14th.
For more details, click here.
For help in finding the start time of the Live-Stream in your area, use this link.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche