Dear friends near and far

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day again! I just want to say many good messages to all of you. The one thing I want to share with you this time is about the second particular Buddha or Bodhisattva in the Tukdrub Barché Künsel, the Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig. I want to share about Guru Rinpoche and these kinds of practices he has done. He achieved the realization and gained the siddhis through these practices. Guru Rinpoche actually mentioned in Tukdrub Barché Künsel that he tried to benefit beings in many different ways. So Guru Rinpoche is saying that as a practitioner, we need to approach this in many different ways like blessing the water, the air, the sun, the soil, and the trees. As well as building stupas, blessing cemeteries, and cleansing babies when they are born. To benefit beings in many ways, Guru Rinpoche bestowed the practices of Chenrezig, Amithāba Buddha, Medicine Buddha, and so forth.

Basically, compassion means you need to have small ways to benefit beings. And, it is very important to make aspirations based on the principle of compassion. For example, I like to have an aspiration of propagating Dharma, but at the same time doing humanitarian work. I’m quite interested and inspired in these things such as giving and generosity. Similarly, I have many different ways of aspiration, based on the principle of compassion. So, only having a happy and long life is not enough. We need to have a principled life: compassion based on action. And, that action can have a variety of forms such as those Guru Rinpoche taught in the Tukdrub Barché Künsel and the Avalokiteshvara mandalas, and so forth. There are so many ways to benefit beings.

Now with that, I just want to send a short message that I wish for all of you to practice some compassion. Don’t forget to try to do small things to benefit others. And try to remember and remind. Ok?

I am happy to announce again that this month’s video message has subtitles in English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and now Russian. Please click the settings wheel in the bottom right corner of the video to access these options.

Thank you and Happy Guru Rinpoche Day.

Sarva Mangalam,


Phakchok Rinpoche