
One of the five classical subjects of study, Grammar includes translation theory and etymology. The Classical Tibetan language remains a rich source of carefully compiled vocabulary expressing the meaning of the Buddhadharma. Traditionally one begins the study of  Tibetan language using ancient grammatical treatises such as the ‘Thirty verses’ (sum cu pa) and ‘Use of Gender Signs’ (rtags ‘jug pa) by “the scholar from Tibet”, Thonmi Sambhota.

Dharani Mantra
Path of Realization

Dhāraṇī and Mantra: A Brief Introduction

In this article, Hilary Herdman presents an introduction to the practices of dhāraṇī and mantra recitation....

Tathāgata: “Thus-Gone, Thus Come”

The Buddha referred to himself as "the Tathāgata." Are you familiar with the many and varied meanings of this epithet?...
Tibetan for Practitioners

Tibetan for Practitioners

Tibetan for Practitioners: A Success on the Ground Rangjung Yeshe Gomde New York in New York hosted an exciting new offering in July of 2018....

Path of Transformation

Buddha: The Awakened

Hilary Herdman discusses how the great Lotsawas of Tibet went about translating the title "Buddha."...