
The Buddha-image from Rigpa

The Qualities of the Buddha

Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us two stanzas from the Samadhiraja Sutra to realize the qualities of the Buddha and, thus, the qualities of our own...
Ground, Path, Fruition
Path of Realization

Ground, Path, Fruition: Applying Buddhist Teachings Holistically

Buddhahood, or fruition, is actually very close, and very personal to us. We can realize that if we understand that Dharma means our own mind....
King of Aspiration prayer
Path of Transformation» Meditation

Mahāyāna Teaching: The King of Aspiration Prayer Part One

Bodhisattvas arise from their practice of the path, but mainly through their own aspirations. Here, Phakchok Rinpoche briefly explains the importance of aspiration and the...

Self-Liberation in the Bardo of Dying

For today’s Guru Rinpoche Day, I thought of extracting few pith instructions by Padmasambhava to his close student, Trisong Detsen and a brief overview of...