Creating Space

Radically Happy

Radically Loving Through Spaciousness and Letting Go

Erric Solomon shows how we can connect to our natural, spacious mind to overcome anger and irritation....
Equanimity in Turbulent Times
Path of Transformation» Radically Happy

Relying on the Four Immeasurable Qualities During a Pandemic (Part 1): Immeasurable Equanimity

Erric Solomon begins a four part explorations of the Four Immeasurables....
Anxiety and Meditation on Campus
Path of Transformation

Anxiety and Meditation on Campus—Then and Now

Anxiety is widely reported to be the number one psychological challenge among students today, and in a recent survey, 97% of students reported technological distractions...
Facing Panic
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

What can we do if we really start to panic? (Part 3 – Liberation through Feeling)

A sense of panic isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But how we deal with panic can make a huge difference. Train your mind to slowly...
Phakchok Rinpoche in Radically Happy
Path of Transformation» Radically Happy

What Can We Do If We Really Start to Freak Out? (Part 2 – Creating Space with Phakchok Rinpoche)

Phakchok Rinpoche teaches how to create space to feel more calm and lose fear, as well as slow down the loop of negative thoughts....
Path of Transformation

Spaciousness in Daily Life

Spaciousness is an opportunity to rest our minds. Rinpoche discusses how meditation is not such a big deal. As we start out, it is helpful...

Rhythm of Happiness General Talk (Part 3)

In this third part of the "Rhythm of Happiness" talk, Phakchok Rinpoche suggests additional mental training to support positive feelings toward others....
Rhythm of Happiness
Path of Transformation

Rhythm of Happiness General Talk (Part 2)

Rhythm can develop into a deeper practice with more complexity. In the second part of this talk, Phakchok Rinpoche explains how we may continue to...

Rhythm of Happiness General Talk (Part 1)

Phakchok Rinpoche introduces us to the rhythm of happiness. He teaches several exercises to help us bring that rhythm with us into our daily life....
Path of Transformation

Avoiding Burnout by Making Time to Meditate

Many of us want to be helpful and do charity or volunteer work since it is needed in so many places, but it can also...

Keys to Happiness

We all want to be happy. This is our fundamental aim in life, right? But often we find it difficult to achieve. When we don’t...