
Courtesy of Schechen Monastery

Key Words of Advice from Dza Patrül Rinpoche

Phakchok Rinpoche wishes everyone a happy 2022 and shares very useful advice from Dza Patrül Rinpoche for both mundane and spiritual activities....
Path of Transformation

Being Patient and Farsighted and Enduring Hardship

As social beings, we humans learn from those around us. And because we don’t have fixed, unchanging solidity as beings, we make choices. We can...
Path of Transformation

Speaking Moderately and in a Gentle Way

As social beings, we humans learn from those around us. And because we don’t have fixed, unchanging solidity as beings, we make choices. We can...
Path of Transformation

Not Being Influenced by Evil Companions

As social beings, we humans learn from those around us. And because we don’t have fixed, unchanging solidity as beings, we make choices. We can...

Chokgyur Lingpa’s Zangdok Palri Aspirations

To conclude our Copper-Colored Mountain series on this last Guru Rinpoche day of the year of the pig, I would like to share with you...
Five Fundamental Precepts
Path of Transformation

Five Fundamental Precepts

Hilary Herdman explores the five fundamental precepts taught by the Buddha....
Path of Transformation

Meditation: Not Just Sitting

Meditation certainly includes formal sitting practice, but we can appreciate that there is more to it than that! Here, Phakchok Rinpoche explains that meditation doesn't...
Ethical behavior
Path of Transformation

Ethical Behavior in Buddhism: The Virtues

Ethical behavior occupies a central role on the Buddhist path to awakening. Yet often, modern presentations of Buddhist teaching skip over these fundamental principles. In...
Precious Human Life

Check Yourself! Advice for Buddhist Practitioners

How do we become authentic Buddhist practitioners? In this short audio clip from a teaching in Sao Paolo, Brasil, Khenpo Gyaltsen says each one of...
Believing karma
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Believing Karma

Believing karma, cause and effect, makes us authentic practitioners. Here, Phakchok Rinpoche speaks very directly to our cynicism and doubts. He says frankly that we...
Kindness free from agenda
Path of Transformation

Expanding the Heart Practice

Expanding the heart brings great benefit for both ourselves and others. In this video teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche advises each of us to develop big and...
Path of Transformation» Path of Realization

Remembering Kindness

Remembering the kindness of others is an important practice for all of us. We should not forget those many individuals who have been kind to...