
Path of Transformation

FOMO Got You Down? Try Sympathetic Joy

Learn about an ancient Buddhist tool to overcome FOMO....

The Importance of Failure

Dear Friends Near and Far, Hello. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day again. Today I want to share with you the sixth of the Twelve Manifestations of...

Rhythm of Happiness General Talk (Part 3)

In this third part of the "Rhythm of Happiness" talk, Phakchok Rinpoche suggests additional mental training to support positive feelings toward others....
Path of Transformation

Reflect Without Judgment and Expectation

Reflect without judgment and expectation when you meditate. It is important and healthy not to judge yourself and not to compare yourself with others....
Path of Transformation

Have Patience with the Teachings!

Have patience with the teachings and with yourself. Phakchok Rinpoche gives advice that the proper attitude for receiving teachings is with an open mind....
Reducing ego
Path of Transformation

Reducing Ego: A Practical Method

We hear a lot about reducing ego in Buddhist teachings. But we often don't know how to go about this. Here Rinpoche gives practical advice...
Path of Transformation

Contentment and the Mind

A key teaching of Buddhism is contentment. To understand what this means, we need to see our own experience. Contentment is a state......
Path of Transformation

Tolerance and Mind Training

Dharma practice means training our minds. What kind of mind training do we need as dharma practitioners? Tolerance training!...