Mind and Body

Tibetan Medicine Basics
Path of Transformation

Tibetan Medicine Tools for Trying Times

During these stressful times, Tibetan Medicine may offer us some tools for bringing our body and mind into balance. Our sangha member and Dakini Doctor,...
Path of Transformation

Anxiety: Seeing Through the Spin

Anxiety arises for almost all sentient beings in certain situations. And there are times when worry can be useful or productive. A little stress can...
Seasonal Influences
Path of Transformation

Seasonal Influences on Health: Recommendations for the Freeze of Winter

Tawni Tidwell shares some wisdom from the Tibetan Medicine tradition in cultivating balance during the winter months....
Fourfold Cooling Method
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Fourfold Cooling Method

Tibetan medicine calls for specific seasonal behavior. The seasons can be divided either by equinox and solstice, the four seasons as we do in the...
Path of Transformation

Correct Meditation Posture: Deadbug Develops a Strong Core

Correct meditation posture helps our minds to settle and our breath to flow naturally. In traditional Buddhist texts, we read that we should cross our...
Caretaking rLung
Path of Transformation

Care-Taking rLüng During Long Practice Hours

Tawni Tidwell talks about how we can balance rlüng imbalances in our bodies....
Path of Transformation

De-Stress With Alternate Nostril Breathing

Neil Roberts shares an ancient breathing technique to reduce stress and blood pressure....
Tibetan Medicine Basics
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Tibetan Medicine Basics: Units of Distinction

Units of Distinction Tibetan Medicine Basics offers a brief introduction to an alternative way of viewing the human body. Western and Tibetan medicine look at…

Path of Transformation

Ayurveda: The Five Elements and Interconnection

Diana Carey explores the similarities between Tibetan medicine and Aryuveda....
Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan Medicine: An Introduction

Some Thoughts on the Relationship of Buddhism & Tibetan Medicine Tibetan Medicine: Dharma and Medicine in Tandem Tibetan medicine as a healing modality is unique…

Healing Practices
Path of Realization

Healing Practices from Tibetan Buddhism

Healing practices perform an important function for practitioners. Physical health situations can make our lives more stressful and difficult to manage....
Practicing meditation
Path of Transformation

Practicing Meditation: Three Main Points

Practicing meditation is a key point of applying Buddhist Dharma. And many other traditions also feature meditation. Phakchok Rinpoche suggests that we need to approach...