Shamatha (calm abiding meditation)

Maha Guru

How to Be Pure

Phakchok Rinpoche talks about the quality of having a calm, relaxed mind state and being content. In order to have contentment, one needs to meditate...
Anxiety and Meditation on Campus
Path of Transformation

Anxiety and Meditation on Campus—Then and Now

Anxiety is widely reported to be the number one psychological challenge among students today, and in a recent survey, 97% of students reported technological distractions...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Visualization: How and Why?

Visualization can seem unnecessarily complicated when we first encounter meditation instruction. But creating a mental image and using that as an object of our attention...
Path of Transformation

Meditation Training With Focus

"Meditation training with focus" takes many forms. As we begin to build a habit of mindfulness, we can use one or more of these techniques....
Path of Transformation

Cultivating New Habits for Busy Minds

When we hear the word "meditation" we may think that we can't keep still for an hour and be calm. But, as Tulku Migmar as...
Path of Transformation

Why Meditate? What Does Meditation Offer?

Why meditate? What benefits does meditation bring, and why might we want to take the time for practice? Phakchok Rinpoche, in this video teaching from...
Path of Transformation

Learning Meditation: A Whole Package

The point of meditation is not to be calm. Instead, in this video teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us that the point of meditation is to...
Path of Transformation

Mahamudra Level One – Question and Answers October 2015

Phakchok Rinpoche invited his students from all around the world to ask questions relating to Mahamudra – The Path of Meditation Level One. Questions From…
