Text Teaching

Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition

The Damdzin Namtrul

An interactive guide to the famous prayer to the Chokling Tersar lineage masters....
Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition» The Foundation» Mahayoga Practices» Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Integrating Your Practice: Advice from Phakchok Rinpoche

Phakchok Rinpoche provides practical experience on how we can structure our Vajrayana practice....
Path of Realization» Q&A with Phakchok Rinpoche

Phakchok Rinpoche Answers Questions on Vajrayana Practice

In this teaching, Rinpoche answers a series of student questions about Vajrayana practice....
Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition» The Foundation» Mahayoga Practices

Eight Essential Points for Every Practice Session

In this document, Phakchok Rinpoche shares the eight essential points to hold in mind for any meditation session....
Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition» The Foundation» Mahayoga Practices

The Fourteen Root Samayas

Phakchok Rinpoche would like to share this document with all his Vajrayana students so they may regularly reflect on the fourteen root Samayas, the life-essence...
9 minutes
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Multiplying Effects: Five Ways of Multiplying Merit

Practitioners should take advantage of all opportunities to increase the accumulation of merit easily and swiftly. We need to know how to magnify our virtues....
9 minutes
Path of Realization

What Devotion Really Is, Part 3 – Infallibly Inseparable

There seems to be a lot of talk in Buddhist blogs, magazines and in real-time lectures about what it means for a guru to be...
Path of Realization

What Devotion Really Is, Part 2 – Cultivating Devotion and Sometimes Saying No

In modern culture, we seem to have lost the traditional regard for our mentors. In the old days, you apprenticed to a trade. Your master...
Path of Realization

What Devotion Really Is, Part 1 – Devotion Beyond Concepts

What is devotion? Is there something about the guru/disciple relationship that makes it unsuited to the modern world? If this relationship is truly essential to...
26 minutes
Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition» Mahayoga Practices

Bell and Dorje: Understanding Ritual Objects

In the Vajrayana context, practitioners utilize the bell and dorje as important symbolic ritual items. At the outer level, these two implements represent the indivisibility...
26 minutes
5 minutes
Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition

Mahāsiddha Stories for Inspiration

Mahāsiddha stories may inspire us throughout our practice of the Buddhist path because we hear how people from all walks of life, and all types...
5 minutes
Sādhana Practice
2 minutes
Path of Realization» Ground, Path, and Fruition» Mahayoga Practices

Managing Sadhana Practice Skillfully

Managing sadhana practice is a big issue for many students. We may have received a number of empowerments and practices. We then may become confused....
2 minutes