Sangtik Dorsem

The Sangtik Dorsem practice comes from one of the profound treasures of the great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa, the Triple Cycle of the Secret Essence (Sangtik Korsum).



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The sambhogakaya buddha Vajrasattva is the sovereign of all buddha families and mandalas. Vajrasattva is an expression of the ultimate purity of our intrinsic nature and is the essence of all buddhas. Every deity is included in Vajrasattva. Thus, when the practitioner practices the concise Sangtik Dorsem sādhana, he or she practices the sādhana of every deity.

Due to his previous aspirations to purify the negative karma of sentient beings, Vajrasattva is associated with the purification of all negative karma including broken samayas and vows. In the Sangtik Dorsem (Vajrasattva of the Secret Essence) sādhana, Vajrasattva is practiced as the main yidam deity in union with his consort, Vajragarvā, within a single mudra mandala.

The Sangtik Dorsem practice comes from one of the profound treasures of the great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa, the Triple Cycle of the Secret Essence (Sangtik Korsum). This cycle contains a complete set of practices for Vajrasattva, Vajrakilaya, and Yangdak Heruka; the three principal yidam deities of Guru Rinpoche. Guru Rinpoche, his close disciples, and their emanations practice at least one of these three deities as their personal yidam practice in every lifetime. Thus, whoever receives one of these empowerments will at the very least be blessed with the good karma to meet with Guru Rinpoche and his teachings in every lifetime until reaching enlightenment.

The concise and profound practice of Sangtik Dorsem purifies the afflictions that arise due to our past negative actions. It clears our mental obscurations and reveals our innate, stainless essence, the ultimate Vajrasattva.

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