Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles Resources

Many outer, inner, and secret levels of obstacles will appear in our practice. The Vajrayana tradition has many methods to overcome and dispel these obstacles. Moreover, there are countless tools to enhance, ease and improve our practice. This page collects Samye Institute’s teachings on these practices from the Vajrayana Membership.

Latest Audio / Video Teachings

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Riwo Sangchö Detailed Teaching

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Phakchok Rinpoche Teaches on the Tseringma Torma Offering

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Phakchok Rinpoche Chants the Tseringma Offering

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Phakchok Rinpoche Chants the Short Dharmapala Petition (Mahakala Offering)

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Phakchok Rinpoche Chants the Swift Activity Lama Yidam Offering Text

Path of Realization | Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles

Introduction to Dharma Protectors’ Offerings

Practice Companions

Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles · Path of Realization
Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles · Path of Realization
Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles · Path of Realization


Path of Realization» The Foundation» Mahayoga Practices» Enhancing and Dispelling Obstacles» Ground, Path, and Fruition

Integrating Your Practice: Advice from Phakchok Rinpoche

Phakchok Rinpoche provides practical experience on how we can structure our Vajrayana practice....