Phowa and Amitabha Resources

The Vajrayana tradition is unique in offering practices to help us navigate the bardos after our deaths. These methods can help us to attain a favorable rebirth to continue our practice in subsequent lifetimes, aid us to take rebirth in a pure realm, and ultimately to attain complete and total enlightenment.

Latest Audio / Video Teachings

Path of Realization | Phowa and Amitabha

A Liberation Upon Hearing, Part 14: Student Questions on the Bardo

Liberation Upon Hearing
Path of Realization | Ground, Path, and Fruition

A Liberation Upon Hearing, Part 13: Dedicating Merit for Others

Path of Realization | Phowa and Amitabha

A Liberation Upon Hearing, Part 12: The Transmission

Path of Realization | Phowa and Amitabha

A Liberation Upon Hearing, Part 11: The Bardo of Becoming

Path of Realization | Phowa and Amitabha

A Liberation Upon Hearing, Part 10: Student Questions on the Bardo

Path of Realization | Phowa and Amitabha

A Liberation Upon Hearing, Part 9: Benefiting Beings in the Bardo

Practice Companions

Path of Realization · Phowa and Amitabha
Phakchok Rinpoche’s teachings on the Liberation Upon Hearing, a text used to guide the deceased through the bardo-states before their subsequent rebirth, or ultimate liberation.