
Understanding the Three Yanas

On the anniversary of Guru Dorjé Drolö, Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us some insights on the meaning and purpose of the three yanas (Theravada, Mahayana,...
spiritual loneliness
3 minutes
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Avoiding Spiritual Loneliness

Phakchok Rinpoche encourages us to meditate correctly every morning. Don’t meditate like a dead tree! That means that we are approaching the session alone....
3 minutes
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

The Secret of the Mind

On the auspicious Treldha Tsechu, Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us four profound verses from the 5th chapter of introspection of Shantideva's Bodhisattvacharyavattara to recall the...

Phakchok Rinpoche: Teaching on the Noble Wisdom of the Time of Death Sūtra

Samye Institute joyously announces that Phakchok Rinpoche will teach on the Noble Wisdom of the Time of Death Sūtra on December 18th, 2021 at 6:45PM…


Dharma Teaching With Khenpo Gyaltsen: The Six Pāramitās

Dear Dharma Friends Near and Far,  On this upcoming Dakini Day, Khenpo Gyaltsen will generously share his teachings with us. Don’t miss this precious opportunity…

Path of Transformation

Maintaining Meditation Discipline

In this excerpt from "In the Footsteps of Bodhisattvas", Phakchok Rinpoche discusses discipline, and how it is essential to a strong meditation practice....
Path of Transformation» Radically Happy

Relying on the Four Immeasurable Qualities During a Pandemic (Part 2): Immeasurable Loving-Kindness

Loving-Kindness or Metta is a deep, heart-felt wish that all beings have happiness, and have all the causes of happiness....
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Buddha Nature: Where Is It?

When we hear that our innate nature is Buddha -nature, are we confident that it is so? How do we develop dignity--a sense of certainty...
Path of Transformation

Motivation: The Real Meaning of Bodhicitta

In this teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche challenges us to come to understand the correct motivation. “Motivation is a reflection of yourself”, he teaches. This shows how...
Ground, Path, Fruition
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Mahāyāna Practice Supports

As Vajrayāna and Mahāyāna practitioners we can regularly engage in self-reflection to check our progress. We gradually train in understanding these crucial points to give...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Aspirations Reflect Our Motivation

This article discusses the importance of our aspirations and motivations to truly benefit other sentient beings....
Exchanging Self and Others
Path of Transformation

Exchanging Self and Others: Building Bodhicitta Part Two

Exchanging self and others is the supreme method for building our bodhicitta. We develop this through a process called tonglen, or "sending and receiving"....