Mind Training

Supreme Mind Training

Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us some of Atisha's Root Verses on Training the mind. This supreme mindtraining offers clear, simple and straightforward advice to anyone...
Path of Transformation» Radically Happy

Buddha’s Radical Two-Step Approach to Happiness

By taking a moment to look at our minds themselves, we come closer to discovering the nature of everything....
Phakchok Rinpoche in Radically Happy
Path of Transformation» Radically Happy

What Can We Do If We Really Start to Freak Out? (Part 2 – Creating Space with Phakchok Rinpoche)

Phakchok Rinpoche teaches how to create space to feel more calm and lose fear, as well as slow down the loop of negative thoughts....
Path of Transformation

Meditation Training With Focus

"Meditation training with focus" takes many forms. As we begin to build a habit of mindfulness, we can use one or more of these techniques....
Path of Transformation

Cultivating New Habits for Busy Minds

When we hear the word "meditation" we may think that we can't keep still for an hour and be calm. But, as Tulku Migmar as...
Path of Transformation

Mental Maintenance Creates Stability

"Mental Maintenance" means working with our own minds. Anxiety, depression, and stress can affect anybody. First, we need to take care of our actual physical...
Radically Happy

Five Ways to Radically Increase Your Joy

Erric Solomon shows five ways that we can radically increase the joys of living....
Experience opens understanding
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Experience Opens Understanding

How do we begin Buddhist practice? We can first listen to explanations from a qualified teacher, and take time to reflect on what we have...
Practicing meditation
Path of Transformation

Practicing Meditation: Three Main Points

Practicing meditation is a key point of applying Buddhist Dharma. And many other traditions also feature meditation. Phakchok Rinpoche suggests that we need to approach...
Understanding Mind
Path of Transformation

Dharma : Understanding Mind

Dharma means understanding the mind--our own mind-- and how it functions. When we hear the word "Dharma" we can realize that we are engaging in...
Kindness free from agenda
Path of Transformation

Real Kindness: No Agenda

Real kindness means that you aren't looking for praise or thanks. We don't attach strings to that kindness--we act kindly without expectation. Agenda-free kindness doesn't...
Taming our minds

Taming Our Minds: Advice for Modern Buddhists

Taming our minds remains the most important lesson taught by the Buddha. We really need to understand that the Buddha taught everything so we can...