
Observing My Mind

On Guru Rinpoche's Day of March 2024, Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche shared the pithy advice "Observing My Mind."...
Path of Transformation» Path of Realization

The Secret of the Mind

On the auspicious Treldha Tsechu, Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us four profound verses from the 5th chapter of introspection of Shantideva's Bodhisattvacharyavattara to recall the...
Facing Panic
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

What can we do if we really start to panic? (Part 3 – Liberation through Feeling)

A sense of panic isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But how we deal with panic can make a huge difference. Train your mind to slowly...
Maha Guru

A Big Heart and a Strong Mind

My aspiration for you in this start of a new year is that you grasp the key points of practice—in particular, keeping a big heart...
Path of Transformation

Meditation Training With Focus

"Meditation training with focus" takes many forms. As we begin to build a habit of mindfulness, we can use one or more of these techniques....
Path of Transformation

Mental Maintenance Creates Stability

"Mental Maintenance" means working with our own minds. Anxiety, depression, and stress can affect anybody. First, we need to take care of our actual physical...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Practicing Dharma: Continuous Journey

When we really want to practice Dharma we wish to carry on until we die. We don't want to stop! Dharma practice is a continuous...
Science of Mind
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Buddhist Science of Mind

Science of mind occupies a great deal of attention in Buddhist philosophy. This is not some new development; ancient Buddhist texts include major treatises investigating...
Learning Buddhadharma
Path of Transformation

Learning Buddhadharma: The Essence

Learning Buddhadharma can be done in a number of ways. Especially in these modern times. We can go to retreats, listen to teachings, take courses,...
Overcoming Resistance
Path of Transformation

Overcoming Resistance to Meditation

Overcoming resistance means understanding our own behavior and habits. And many of us have patterns of laziness or of rebelling against rules and regulations. So,...
Path of Transformation» Radically Happy

What is Radically Happy?

What Radically Happy is in less than 90 seconds! Order your copy of Radically Happy via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound or wherever good books are sold. Phakchok…

Do we need to meditate?
Path of Transformation

Do We Need to Meditate?

Do we need to meditate? And if so, why? Is there a real benefit from meditation? In this video teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche answers with an...