
Jetsün Milarepa is one of the most famous yogis in the history of Tibet. His life story is an inspiration for laypeople and monastics alike. His namt…


The “Lord of Secrets”, Dharmevajra is an emanation of Samantabhadra and Vajradhara as the requester and compiler of the tantric teachings.


The Tibetan word lo means the thinking mind. The word Jong translates to train, work with purify, or refine. Thus this term in Tibetan is usually tran…


Ānanda was the cousin of the Buddha who later served him for twenty-five years as his personal attendant. He was the son of Amṛtodana, the brother …

Rechung Dorje Drak

Rechung Dorje Drak, better known as Rechungpa, was born in Rala or Ralpa in a valley to the south-east from Dzongka near the border with Nepal.

Lhalung Palgyi Dorje

Lhalung Palgyi Dorje was one of the twenty-five disciples of Guru Rinpoche. Lhalung was his clan name which corresponded to the family home located ea…

Incarnation Line of Phakchok Rinpoche

Phakchok Rinpoche’s emanation-basis comprises the Lord of Secrets Dharmevajra; Buddha Shakyamuni’s foremost disciple, the arhant Ananda; Padmasamb…