Guru Rinpoche Day

Guru Rinpoche Day Puja

Ranjung Yeshe Indonesia will conduct an online Guru Rinpoche Day Puja with Drupla Sonam Tsering on Tuesday, August 17 2021 at 10:AM Western Indonesia Time…

Guru Rinpoche with two of his heart disciples.

Khandro Yeshé Tsogyel’s Prayer to Guru Rinpoche

For this Guru Rinpoche day, I would like to share with you Khandro Yeshé Tsogyel’s supplication to the Great Guru, or Mahā Guru, Padmasambhava. Yeshé...

Jamgön Kongtrul’s Visionary Journey to the Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain

This month I would like to continue with the accounts of great masters’ visionary journeys to Zangdok Palri with the last to cover among the...