
Drikung Kagyu

Ultimate Instructions on Mahamudra from the Drikung Lord Jikten Gönpo

Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us The Fivefold Ultimate, Essential Instructions and Eightfold Samayas of Mahamudra, given by the first throne-holder of the Drikung Kagyu tradition....
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Student Reflections on Gomde New York’s Virtual Retreats – May 23 to June 1, 2020

Samye Institute's students share their experiences during 2020's online retreats....
The Beauty of Simplicity: Mahamudra Retreat

Late Summer Reflections

Daniel Baruch shares some reflections of the first day of the 2019 Mahamudra retreat at Samye Hermitage New York....
Learning Meditation
Path of Transformation

Meditation: Correct Preparation in Three Steps

Learning meditation requires both study and actual practice. Correct preparation before starting a meditation session allows us to experience authentic results...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Let the Dharma Resonate: Be Decisive!

Let the Dharma resonate fully by accumulating merit. This is the best method, Rinpoche advises. But we do this without lots of expectations and thoughts...
Path of Transformation

Persistence in Practice

Persistence in practice is something we often don't talk much about. But being persistent can make a big difference in our progress on the path....
Transformation meditation
Path of Transformation

Meditation: The Power of Transformation

Transformation can come about through meditation because meditation has many aspects. It’s more than you think! And, meditation is actually transformation. In this audio teaching,…

Path of Transformation

Practicing Mahamudra Requires the Desire to Change

Here he reminds us that if we remember the goal of our practice, we should achieve the goal. And genuine compassion and devotion can bring...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Reflection: Importance of Motivation

Meditation can bring us good results. But, conversely, if our motivation is bad, it can also give us very bad results. If we start our...
Path of Transformation

Mahamudra Level One – Question and Answers October 2015

Phakchok Rinpoche invited his students from all around the world to ask questions relating to Mahamudra – The Path of Meditation Level One. Questions From…


The King of Samādhi

Dear Friends Near and Far, On this Guru Rinpoche Day that marks the anniversary of Guru Rinpoche’s birth, I would like to share some lines from The King of Samādhi…


Becoming Fearless

We all know a bit about dharma. However, most of the time we do not have the teachings and the pith instructions in mind. So,...