
9 minutes
Path of Realization

Accumulating Causes for Enlightenment

In this video teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us that the essence of our mind is already enlightened. Yet, even though our nature is pure, that...
9 minutes
9 minutes
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Multiplying Effects: Five Ways of Multiplying Merit

Practitioners should take advantage of all opportunities to increase the accumulation of merit easily and swiftly. We need to know how to magnify our virtues....
9 minutes
Maha Guru

Saga Dawa

Today’s Guru Rinpoche day is very special, because it falls within the month of Saga Dawa. In the Tibetan tradition, Saga Dawa is the month...

Long and Meaningful Life

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! I am at present presiding over the Tsekar “White Amitayus” Drupchen here at our Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Boudhanath. It...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Mahāyāna Teaching: The King of Aspiration Prayer Part Three

In this final teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us that we can do this aspiration prayer as often as we wish....
King of Aspiration
Path of Transformation

Mahāyāna Teaching: The King of Aspiration Prayer Part Two

In the second teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche continues his commentary on the text. He emphasizes that although this aspiration prayer is very ancient, we can see...
Offering water bowks

Offering Water Bowls as Material Offerings

Offering water bowls is an easy and pleasurable meritorious activity widely practiced in Tibetan Buddhism. Water's purity gives it great power....
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Motivation and Excitement

If our motivation for Buddhist practice is based on excitement, what happens when that excitement goes away? And the excitement does go away -- that's...
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Let the Dharma Resonate: Be Decisive!

Let the Dharma resonate fully by accumulating merit. This is the best method, Rinpoche advises. But we do this without lots of expectations and thoughts...
Path of Transformation

Practicing Mahamudra Requires the Desire to Change

Here he reminds us that if we remember the goal of our practice, we should achieve the goal. And genuine compassion and devotion can bring...
Practice language

Three Things

Dear friends near and far Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to all of you. I am going to take this opportunity to remind all of my…


Guru Rinpoche’s Year

Dear friends near and far I want to first say that this year is a very important special year of the monkey, which is Guru…
