Series: Buddha and the Great Masters

Buddha Shakyamuni

Remembering the Three Trainings

Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us of the three main trainings the Buddha taught, which are a condensation of the entire Buddhadharma: the trainings of discipline, meditation,...

Tsangnyön Heruka’s mind instructions

Phakchok Rinpoche shares a song of realization the master Tsangnyön Heruka sang to his disciple Bönpo Dorjé Nyingpo as he was giving him mind instructions....

Heart Essence of Mahaguru Padmasambhava

In this teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche shares some key words of advice from the Zheldam Lamrim Yeshé Nyingpo....
Courtesy of Schechen Monastery

Dza Patrül Rinpoche’s Heart Advice

Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us a few verses of advice from the great nineteenth century non-sectarian Dzokchen master, Dza Patrul Rinpoche....
Lake Dhanakosha

The Heart Essence of Padmasambhava

On this special day of the monkey month, we celebrate the birth of our Precious Maha Guru within a lotus blossom on Lake Dhanakosha. Phakchok...
Drikung Kagyu

Ultimate Instructions on Mahamudra from the Drikung Lord Jikten Gönpo

Phakchok Rinpoche shares with us The Fivefold Ultimate, Essential Instructions and Eightfold Samayas of Mahamudra, given by the first throne-holder of the Drikung Kagyu tradition....
Maha Guru

Saga Dawa

Today’s Guru Rinpoche day is very special, because it falls within the month of Saga Dawa. In the Tibetan tradition, Saga Dawa is the month...
Reading Namtars
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Reading Namtars

Hilary Herdman discusses the reading of the life-stories of great masters (Tib. Namtar) as spiritual practice....

Practitioner Phakchok Rinpoche to Lazy Phakchok Rinpoche

I am at the moment in Gomde New York. Hope you all are keeping well and that you are keeping up with your practice. I...

Letter from My Guru

I would like to share this message with you all for today's Guru Rinpoche Day: My son, you need to understand the dharma that I...

Mending and Purification

Dear friends near and far Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! When this message lands in your inbox, you receive the notification and you move on forward…


The Nature of Our Wrong Thoughts and Emotions

Dear friends near and far Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to all my dharma brothers and sisters wherever you are. Today I would like to discuss…
