Pure Perception

8 minutes
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Four Qualities of Mind: Mind Nature

Phakchok Rinpoche explains the purpose of our meditation practice. Here he stresses that we can familiarize ourselves through direct experience with the four qualities of...
8 minutes

Dodrupchen Rinpoché Tupten Trinlé Pelzang’s Vision of Zangdok Palri

For this month’s Guru Rinpoché day, I would like to share with you the short story of the current Dodrupchen Rinpoché’s account of the Copper-Colored...

Jikmé Tenpé Nyima’s Pure Vision of Zangdok Palri

On this Guru Rinpoché day, I would like to share with you the description of Zangdok Palri made by Jikmé Tenpé Nyima (1865-1926), the third...

Pema Lingpa’s Visionary Journey to the Copper-Colored Mountain

This month, I would like to share with you a brief account of Pema Lingpa’s (1450-1521) visionary journey to Zangdok Palri. Pema Lingpa was an...
Path of Transformation

Purposeful Teachings

Every one of the Buddha's teachings has a purpose--each one suits the needs of a particular person. When we examine a teaching, we should ask...

The Importance of Pure Perception

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to you all and I hope this message finds you all happy and healthy. This particular Guru Rinpoche Day is a...

Mending and Purification

Dear friends near and far Happy Guru Rinpoche Day! When this message lands in your inbox, you receive the notification and you move on forward…

faith and the mind
Path of Realization» Path of Transformation

Developing Pure Perception: How to Begin?

Phakchok Rinpoche answers a student question on developing pure perception....

Pure Perception and Discrimination

In this video clip, Rinpoche answers a practical question about pure perception. Does pure perception mean that we have no discrimination? Does it mean that...

The Difference Between Mind and Wisdom

Today I thought I’d answer a question that I get asked quite frequently by students: the difference between the mind section and the wisdom section....